What others are saying

E.Lynn Wingfield


"I received your booklets today and they really lifted my spirits. They could not have come at a better time. I have been going through some trials and I was getting discouraged. But, God's Word is so real and true. Your booklets brought that back in focus for me. I will share them with everyone, because I think they are wonderful. I am going to keep them with me to always have a pick me up! Also, I wanted to thank you for your letter with your testimony. That was also very encouraging and God is using you to share His Word. I am thankful that he allowed our paths to cross."

― E. Lynn Wingfield, Richmond, VA

Becky McCorkle


"Most often I use the Scripture cards at the junior high school where I work. Whether it be for times of enrichment, celebration, frustration or inadequacy, I can quickly look for a verse that is appropriate. The Lord's Word comes alive with the offer of peace, hope, grace and comfort that I so daily need and desperately seek."

― Becky McCorkle, Teacher, Puyallup, WA

Erin Francis


"Your product is awesome. I do not say that to everyone! I gave them to a friend who was facing the diagnoses of a major disease and they brought the Word so close to him and encouraged him in the middle of a crisis. He is doing great now! Also, I have read them many times on the road, in waiting rooms, anytime I had the opportunity read something quickly. They are written so well and are so easy to apply to any situation. The Word of God does not return void without accomplishing what He desires. But...it must be in our heart and mouth and your scripture cards make it so easy to do that. I would not hesitate to pass them along to everyone I meet!"

― Erin Francis, Tulsa OK

Kathy Carlin


"I received the series God's Recipe for Successful Living as a gift from my sister. What a wonderful tool for living a successful Christian life! The Word of God is very clear the 'Life and death are in the tongue'. Everything of significance that happened in the Bible came from the spoken Word. The Bible also clearly states that the Word is there for our benefit- for instruction, reproof, correction, discipline and training. It is our roadmap to life. The scripture 'recipes' found in these books are written in a personalized manner. I believe with all of my heart that if these powerful words are spoken out each day, the things you are speaking and believing for will come to pass!

― Kathy Carlin, Silverdale, WA

Bargara Gage


"Being a new mother has its many challenges as well as rewards. The stresses of all the changes and workload can become very stressful and fatiguing. The Word of God brings peace and rest in the midst of these circumstances. I've found that being a new mother, my time is not my own anymore. So when I do have those few moments to myself, it is great to be able to easily and quickly fill myself up with the Word. The series of 'God's Recipe for Successful Living' is so handy and so applicable to everyday situations. Thank you Cathy for all your dedication to the work that you have been called to. You have truly blessed my life!

― Barbara Gage, Puyallup, WA

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